Pete Bernard is known as the Algonquin Medicine Man of Pikwakanagan First Nation in Ontario. He is the President of the federally incorporated not-for-profit organization “The Rainbow Flame Medicine Lodge”, a formal part of the many giving and charitable functions that have been supported by The 8th Fire and Algonquin Medicine Man.
He is a Midewin (often referred to as a Healer or Shaman) who offers private healing ceremonies, rituals, group healing circles, and various training programs for those interested in learning Medicine Work. He also offers public talks of Spirituality and Healing.
Besides being Traditionally Trained in Medicine Work, he is also a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Hypnotist, Instructor of Hypnotherapy (certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), The 8th Fire, Inc. is an ABH Approved School of Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner, Medical Quigong, Reiki Master and trained in other types of healing.
He is the Founder of The 8th Fire and Master Trainer for the 2-year Earning the Light Program, the Intermediate, and Mastery Level Program teaching Medicine Work (Shamanism) and also Quantum Star Reiki Master and Trainer.
Spirit communication will be demonstrated by the Ottawa Team Mediums.